August 23, 2011


Absent minded, absent from church, absentee mother, absent from life in general.  That’s how I feel I have been lately.  I am now 13 weeks pregnant and I can tell you what. . . there is a direct link between how well I am feeling and how often I post on FB and the blog. (: That being said you can just guess how the last week as been. 
I am so grateful to be pregnant!  I know that it is not something to be taken for granted, but it is so hard for me to think about happy chipper crafting things to write about when I’ve spent most of the day with my head hanging in the toilet!!


  1. Like that you are thankful to be pregnant (isn't that just such a funny word, I always thought it was)
    I do NOT like that you are hanging your head in the toilet, what a place!!
    Take it easy, this too shall pass

  2. Bleh! Congrats on being pregnant! :) Sorry it's such a rough pregnancy so far - hope it gets better soon!!

  3. Congrats holly! I came on here to grab a picture and am excited to see this! :) -vanessa brown from church.

  4. Congrats Holly!! I hope you are doing well! Its been a LONG time!!
