May 5, 2011

Wed. Winner Announced

Thanks ladies for all of the heart warming stories! 

My favorite love story. . .my parents.  They met when my mom was thirteen and my dad was sixteen.  The first time my dad saw her was on a LDS YW/YM outing to the great SL for a swim (fun!?) My mom had just moved into the ward and my dad told his friend I’m going to marry that new girl, it probably didn’t hurt that she was wearing a swimming suit at the time (;  They pretty much dated from that moment on.  Growing up they used to love to embarrass me by making out on the front porch, YUCK!  I never had to doubt for a moment that they loved each other growing up and that brought a huge sense of security to my life.  11 years ago my Dad passed away and one of the single greatest blessings of my life is knowing that because of my parents love and devotion to each other, and their kids, they upheld the commitments they made in the temple.  Now that’s LOVE.

NOW. . .for the winners name drawn randomly from a hat by my husband (we will have none of this fancy stuff here.)  Heather W. 

Thanks again everyone for playing.  We will have another fun give away next week, and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for our Freebie Friday, when we post free printables for various projects!


  1. Yay I won! Do I need to contact you with my info...?

  2. We sure do, email us at
